Sunday, March 8, 2015


WITNESS as a Documentary on the Amish way of life
(Old Order Amish in Lancaster County, PA)

How far can Witness be described as a documentary on the Amish way of life?

Go to the following Web site, scroll down to the bottom of the page then fill in the table below with information gleaned from this Web site (left column) and illustration taken from the film (right column):

The Amish way of life

Witness as a documentary:
Illustration in the film

The Ordnung regulates private, public, and ceremonial behavior.
Men and women are expected to wear distinctive clothing.
Members must speak speak a German or Swiss dialect.
Owning an automobile is forbidden. Instead, members members are required to travel by horse and buggy.
It is forbidden own a television, radio, camera, or computer.
Higher education such as high school and college is generally not allowed.
Divorce is forbidden.
Joining the military is  forbidden.
It is taboo to wear jewelry or any other ornament or garment that emphasizes vanity.
Community members are are not allowed to sue anyone to sue anyone.
Members must use use self-propelled farm machinery.
It is ftorbidden to tap electricity from public utility lines.
- Eli, is very conservative and encourages Rachel to respect the laws of the Ordnung to avoid getting shunned.
- Throughout the whole movie we see the distinction between men and women's clothings. Women have to wear a long black dress and cover their head with a bonnet while men must wear black pants, a white (or dark blue) shirt and a top hat.
- During the opening scene, for Rachel's husband's funeral the Amish do the funeral rite is in German or at least a German dialect.
- In the opening scene we see the Amish going to the ceremony with their horse drawn buggies.
- The only ones using a camera in the movie are the tourists who harass the Amish with their devices. Furthermore, John has to go to town to use the payphone when ever he needs to make a call.
- We never see Samuel going to school or getting any kind of education.
- We can suppose that Rachel wasn't the happiest she could be with her late husband but getting a divorce.
- The Amish have a zero tolerance policy towards guns and violence so there is no way for them to join the army.
-Rachel has no pieces of jewelry so she can't wear any.
-During the scenes where young troublemakers come to annoy the Amish they could be sued for harassment but it goes against the community's principles plus, Eli didn't want John to intervene at first.
- During the first bit of the movie, at sundown we see the Amish harvesting what seems to be wheat with garden forks and collecting it in a wain.
- During the movie we see that the Amish only use candles to see at night.
Based upon religious scriptures, the Amish believe that members who openly sin again traditional church doctrines must be purged from the church as a warning and safeguard to maintain the purity of the church.
Members who are excommunicated and shunned are avoided by active members in all social and business activities.
However, the offenders are always welcomed back to the community if they repent.

During Rachel and Eli's confrontation, Eli warns his daughter-in-law that she could be shunned because of the way she acts with John.
Mennonite and Amish history is generally thought to begin
on January 21, 1525 in Zurich, Switzerland.
Who was Jacob Amman? What did he do? When? Where?
In 1693, a young Mennonite leader, from the Alsace region of modern-day France, named Jacob Amman formed his own Christian fellowship because he felt that the Mennonite Church did not exercise enough church discipline or maintain a strong enough spiritual life. Jacob Amman's followers began to be nicknamed - you guessed it - the Amish.

When did the Amish first migrate to the USA?
It is believed that the first group of Mennonites settled in 1683 in Germantown which, today, is a part of Philadelphia. When land became available in the area which is now known as Lancaster County, Mennonite settlements were started and flourished. The first migrations of the Amish began in the 1720's.

An Amish barn raising is an important example of the selfless practice of assisting one's relatives, neighbors and community through life's many hardships that characterizes the Amish people of Lancaster County. It is such close-knit devotion and loyalty that has protected the community over the generations.
In fact, the Amish barn raising experience becomes a social occasion bonding the families and neighbors in mutual assistance. Tragedy is turned into hope, and joyful playing can be seen among the children. In the movie there is a long scene where the Amish, along with John work togetjer for a barn-raising for a newly married couple. This scene also features the Amish sharing a great meal, drinking lemeonade and talking.


In the movie there is a long scene where the Amish, along with John work together for a barn-raising for a newly married couple. This scene also features the Amish sharing a great meal, drinking lemeonade and talking.
Amish religion is based upon the basic tenets of early Christianity and a desire to be faithful to God
They believe that  the Bible is the Word of God and that the Church is the body of Christ fulfilling God's purposes on earth.
Amish beliefs also emphasize the importance of humility, obedience, and simplicity. They believe that true Christians should never use violence or force. The Amish will follow the Word of God even if it conflicts with the rule of the government.

They believe that true Christians should never use violence or force

Rachel asks her son to say his prayers when they are staying at Elaine's house.

The Amish are very simple starting with the way they dress and the lifestyle they have : no electricity, no obedience to a force that isn't God...

In the movie Witness, Amish people are shown through their simplicity and their untolerance towards guns and violence. We can clearly see that they are all outraged when they known that John has a gun especially Eli and Rachel who were scared to death when Samuel was playing with John's gun even if the bullets were taken out.
Although modest and simple the typical Amish house reflects the importance of the family, daily work, and humility.
Amish homes are usually large with two stories since many Amish families consist of six or seven children. The homes tend to be plain and are usually painted white, green, blue or brown which are the colors of nature.

We don't see the houses in detail but in the first scene, we see the Amish village in almost its entirety and the houses are white and simple.
In Lancaster County, there is a tradition that there is a tradition that Amish church services are held in the homes of the congregation
This Amish tradition expresses the_simplicity, purity, and community that is so essential to the Amish faith and way of life
The Amish women are required to prepare the communal meal which is served at noon in the home of the member hosting the service.
After the funeral, women are reunited in the kitchen and they are cooking the meal. 
Amish women are expected to place the needs of their family, church, and community above their own
They are responsible for  managing the household, preparing the food, sewing and ironing the family clothes, and assisting the needs of their neighbors.

'We can see that Rachel's main concern is to protect her son so she puts his safety before her own. She is also always shown cooking or cleaning the house or helping the members of the comunity.
Amish children are disciplined  to be respectful and obedient to their elders.
To prevent their children from  becoming spoiled , the parents teach their children to "surrender" their selfish will as opposed to always trying to get  trying to get their own way.

At first Samuel was a very shy kid. He listens to his elders and his mother. But the murder changed him. He is still quite shy and polite  but more outgoing and tolerant as far as violence is concerned.
Old Order Amish men and boys generally wear wear dark suits without lapels which fasten with hooks rather than buttons
Quote 6 items of clothing that women and girls wear:
1.dresses with full skirts
2.aprons shoes 
4.twisted bun at the back of the heard or the nape of the neck.
5.white or black cap
6black bonnet and shawl
What do they never wear?
1._ Jewelry
We never see Rachel or any other Amish women with jewels or make-up. They keep it very simple since it's the main Amish rule.


  1. Sir I had to change the template of my blog, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to read the right column because my work was mixed with the blog list. I know it isn't enjoyable to read, I apologize in advance.

  2. OK, Koumba. There may have been another way of doing it without changing the template but it does not matter. It's a pity you lost the originality of your own template, though.
    One question:
    What about the "few typical pictures of the Amish way of life"? (see instructions in my blog post)

  3. Completion worksheet: 15 /15
    Publication worksheet: 01/01
    Legibility worksheet: 01/02
    Publication pictures: 01/02
    Overall mark: 18/20
