Thursday, September 18, 2014

Internet Anonymous

This cartoon takes place in an office, maybe at lunch time or just in the morning. We see two characters : two men, one standing up and the other, sitting on his chair. This man looks pretty happy whereas the other looks a bit concerned or confused. Their activities could be anything. They could be working in the computer section, at a regular office and so on... The sitting man announces that he found a group called Internets Anonymous and is smiling because he seems to be proud of it.
The cartoon means that people get so addicted to Internet that they create support group like Alcoholic Anonymous. Maybe it's to prove that the Internet can be a real addiction just like drugs or alcohol...

I don't think it's representative of today's world because you can spend all the time you want on the Internet you can't be truly addicted. There are some rare cases where people are really addicted but when we think about it there are not too many.
I don't really have a reaction, I think it's kind of ridiculous and I don't feel concerned because I can't take this cartoon seriously it's way over the top.

It's not a real problem because "Internet Addicts" don't put themselves in danger, they don't hurt the people around them. They don't cut people out of their lives. I mean sure they can be less sociable but it's less important than if a drug addict becomes less sociable.


  1. OK, Koumba. Deadline respected!
    As for the content and form of your post, wait until you get the marking sheet.

  2. A serious self-correction even though a couple of mistakes have been left uncorrected.
    BONUS: +1,5. FINAL MARK: 14,5/20
